Tuesday, November 17, 2009

PJ Perez @ the Vegas Valley Book Festival

Pj Perez is a writer, editor and musician, best known for his reports and commentary on Las Vegas culture in such publications as Rolling Stone, 944 and ART + Living. Perez was the founding managing editor of Vegas-based Racket magazine and is currently Las Vegas Fine Arts Examiner for Examiner.com. He also plays drums in alt-rock band As Yet Unbroken and is the creator of the weekly webcomic, The Utopian.

We met at the Vegas Valley Book Festival. We have been in touch:

Follow-up from LV Valley Comic Book Fest
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Pinto, Frank A. wrote:
My project management students are doing a project I'd love for you to get involved with: they are developing a comic book project. May I share your contact info with them?

Pj Perez [pjperezvegas@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 11:16 AM
To: Pinto, Frank A.
Sure thing. Preferably this e-mail and not my phone. Not that I would answer it anyway. :)

Check out his webpages:


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

VELOUR Vodka is an ordinal innovative product - and a marketing project!

Crafted in Las Vegas and inspired by the fruits of France and the timeless taste of The Great Russian Vodkas. Offers a unique carbonation and blend of extracts of straberry’s, peaches, and lemons that delivers an original, drinkable, glamorous Vodka.

Lucky Bug Productions by Jessi Corsa http://luckybugproductions.blogspot.com/

"From a young age I was taught I could be anything I wanted to be. This belief has stayed with me through out my life. It is my hope that this will translate through in Lucky Bug Productions. I have never seen myself as just one thing nor have I been inspired by just one type of art. Therefore, I don’t see Lucky Bug as just a TV or Film company but as an Art Company designed to “Create, Innovate, and decorate!" "

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Web Marketing - Movie Fanatics

Movie Obsession Websites!


Marketing and the Holiday Spirits

In Marketing class in the summer, the students had to develop a new vodka brand. Well vodka is just distilled grain, but creating a new brand is for a marketer. Minnie came up with a great idea and some fine visuals, don't you think?

St. Nick's Spirits wants to be right there with you and yours during the holidays as you shake presents when no one's looking, attend "white elephant" parties and wrap those special presents at the last minute in newspaper funnies. St. Nick's will be there lubricating your senses as you watch in horror as your parents barrage your fiance with anecdotes of Christmases past complete with pictures of you in your Underoos unwrapping presents. St. Nick's Spirits will become the beverage of the holiday season.